Darkaiser: Crash Team Racing – 60 FPS Widescreen (Release Trailer)

60FPS is now fully playable, combined with Widescreen. This took 2 years, 3 videos, 600+ changes to the source code, and over 1000 hours of testing by 10+ testers!

This is the most logically-complex mod ever built into CTR, and the largest QA testing effort, out of all the mods in this entire channel.

Niko, Faradise, Redhot, Super

QA Testing:
FuzionSynth, PootisDaMan, DarkSlayer, Nitrax, Pampa, SonicYTP, Hypnoshark, BaconFish, Darkaiser, aalhendi, and more.

CTR 60FPS Widescreen16x9

CTR 60 FPS Default 4×3

Use ROM in .bin format and apply the .xdelta patch

DuckStation Settings 60fps:
Console : Enable Clock Speed Control (ON)
Console : Slide bar from 100% to 400%
Emulation : VSync (ON)
Graphics : Internal Resolution (Automatic)

DuckStation Settings Widescreen:
Graphics : Aspect Ratio 16:9

No permitted use of previous Widescreen or 60fps patches (either gameshark, or built-in GTE emu feature) can be combined with this mod, otherwise everything breaks.

For use with other emulators, this mod does NOT require 8mb RAM expansion, so this can work on other emulators that support 16:9 and emu overclock (PSP, PS3, Nintendo Switch), may work on original PS1, only if CPU is overclocked manually.

This has all been made possible by a new direction taken in the community. Rather than modding into the “original” game, we are now modding into the “rewritten” game. We can do this now because 72% of the game is rewritten, while the other 28% is bytecode from the original game files. This also allows every mod we’ve ever written to (soon) all be combined into one “super-mod”, or allow us to build a user-friendly Mod Launcher to pick and choose mods. All mods in the “rewritten” game also automatically work in the PC port. PAL/JPN are not supported yet, but will be supported when PAL/JPN functions are also rewritten.

Stay tuned for more.

Rayrobi: Crash 4 – N.Hanced Completion Edition (Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time PC Mod)


This is a mod for Crash 4 designed to make completion and general gameplay more fair and more fun. It’s intended for those people who couldn’t enjoy finishing or fully completing Crash 4, or who don’t feel like replaying it because of its difficulty, padding, or unfair elements.

A more detailed description of all changes can be found on the mod page.

Also available: Master relics and remade relic times mod for N. Sane Trilogy

LRGZ: WIP Preview for NST Tools (Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Modding)

Mod28: Crash Bandicoot (IAT Style) Mod for Super Smash Bros Ultimate

A small Crash sample gameplay on Smash.

Mod Download Link

Hypnoshark: Update to the PC Port of Crash Team Racing (Gameplay)

DarkAiser’s Original Video

Darkasier: Crash Team Racing – PC Port Progress Update #3

The PC port is now 70% finished, with 835/1190 functions rewritten! The last two months of progress was contributed by Niko, Faradise, and DCxDemo. Now supporting 16:9 + 60 FPS.

The Adventure Garage now has working UI, and as a bonus, you can type on a real computer keyboard to enter your name, opposed to using the controller D-Pad buttons.

In Time Trial, ghosts are now fully implemented. Both N. Tropy and N. Oxide ghosts can be replayed and spectated with the in-game freecam.

In VS and Battle, all drivers spawn on the starting line.

What is not directly visible in the PC port yet, but will be ready soon:

– Particle Effects rewrite needs 2 more functions.
– Player controls are fully implemented.
– Player physics are half implemented.
– Collisions are a quarter implemented.
– 100+ audio functions are rewritten, only a few remain.
– All MDEC video decoder functions are rewritten.
– PC port will replace MDEC with QuickTime API.
– Camera code has been rewritten for some kart modes, still need a few more.
– Several functions related to in-game weapons have been rewritten.
– New UI improvements.

When the PC port is finished, we plan to shift focus to content expansion. On PC, without being chained to the original file formats, we can create new formats that bake VBO/IBO data into the level that the PC port can read. This heavily reduces the amount of work required to make Maya or Blender plugins, reduces the workload for artists, and increases game performance.

While we do plan to support custom levels on the original PS1, an easier first-step would be PC-only levels, then going back to console support.

Online multiplayer will also be significantly easier to program, without the overhead of emulator synchronization, or process injection overhead. PC-only Live++ hot-reload tools will let us rapidly test and develop multiplayer code, without needing to restart the server or client for every change in the code, which we had to do for our OnlineCTR 2020 mod.

Stay tuned for more.