Darkaiser: The Lost Minigame Has Been Found! (Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex)

A new prototype build of Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of Cortex has been secured and released, courtesy of Xhaos. This build is very special because it features a fairly well-known cut content that has been mentioned for years in the community, but had no screenshots or videos of. I’m talking about the scrapped minigame on the loading screens, a feature that almost saw the light of day if not for a Namco patent on the loading screen minigames that caused Konami to hold it back and ask for it to be removed. This explains why the loading screens are so long on the initial PlayStation 2 release, as Traveller’s Tales apparently didn’t have enough time to clean up the code and strip out the minigame data.

An anonymous source was kind enough to dump the disc and share the ISO with Xhaos, who is now releasing it. Despite being dated only 10 days before the initial PS2 1.0 version, this build also has some other minor differences. You can play it yourself and try to find out what else is different.


Additionally, if you are interested in this game and its modding potential, Xhaos is also working on a reverse engineering project to decompile and port the game to PC. You can join the Discord server in the pinned comment.

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